Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunbeam Mixer

Well, this isn't a recipe - but it's still art that is related to food. My dad restored this old Sunbeam mixer. It was a piece of junk before he got his hands on it. Now - magic! I even have the original manual that came with it. Now that is classy. I also have the fixed up Junior mixmaster (handheld) in white, which I use a lot. Can't wait til we have a bigger kitchen and I can have this prominently displayed.


  1. Hey Sum, it was an honor fixing up the mixers for you and Dan. The way I look at it, it's the gift that keeps on giving because I'll get some yummy treats down the road. Love Dad

  2. Dad does such a great job. Your mixer is gorgeous!

  3. Sunbeams make good cookies...
