Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Grazin' Angus Acres Ribs

Sunday we went to the Farmer's Market at Carroll Park. I grabbed two ears of what was probably the best corn I have ever eaten and the man, not surprisingly, was quickly seduced by the table for Angus Acres. What can I say, my man recognizes a good side of meat (me). The guy working there selected two packages of ribs after sizing us up and told us about how a few weeks ago they got a call for about 350 servings of their meat. They thought they couldn't handle an order that size and at first said no. After crunching the numbers they decided they could do it.... so now we got to eat the same meat served (exclusively) at Chelsea Clinton's wedding, cool huh?

We did a slooooooww bake on this guy. First we marinated the meat (in a deep metal pan) in some red wine (save a good amount to go with the meal!), brown sugar, olive oil, salt and pepper for at least an hour. Flip it after 30 minutes to make sure both sides get well soaked (marinade should reach the halfway mark of the meat to make this process even). Preheat the oven to 250 degrees for some slllooow, hot lovin'. Sear the meat on top of the stove in a frying pan  for just a few minutes on each side to lock in the moisture. Pour the marinade in a bowl before you return the seared meat to the pan. Cook in the oven for as long as the meat decides. Keep brushing on marinade to maintain the moisture. We cooked ours for about 3 hours..

It was fun watching the man revert back to his primitive state. His plate when done is the last picture... scary. He said it rivaled Peter Luger's and the best meat he had in Brazil - not bad.


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