String Beans:
Fresh from the grocery store!
Snap the ends off and rinse before cooking.
Place them in a steamer basket with about an inch of water on the bottom. On top put three cloves of crushed garlic. Then steam until tender (maybe 10 minutes).
After they are all steamed add sliced almonds that were toasted on a dry pan (stovetop). Serve in a bowl with the almonds on top!
Whole Cranberry Sauce
You can obviously buy the Jelled Cranberry Sauce in a can at the store, but this is better if you ask me. Just buy a bag of cranberries at the store and follow the directions on the back of the bag. Basically it's sugar, water and whole cranberries. mmm mmm good. Let it gel overnight in the fridge.
We had both so I have two pictures. If you ask me the whole cranberries are much more visually appealing.
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