Sure...butter is easy to have with bread while you are eating a yummy Italian meal with your Scottish man. But, why have butter when you can have a delicious dipping oil?
My momma got me hooked on this. Growing up we always did butter, garlic bread, or pesto (ohh I should get my Dad's recipe up) but starting in high school she began making this oil mix. I've tweaked it until this is what I do...
In a regular bowl that you share or in separate little dipping trays mix the following...
Good olive oil (extra virgin if you like it-it's a bit strong for me)
A few shakes of crushed red pepper
Pressed or minced garlic. Trust me, it's so much better than garlic powder.
A shake of salt and pepper
A shake of oregano and basil
heat it up in the microwave for about 35 seconds or more depending on how much you have, or heat it on the stove if you are fancy and have a dishwasher :(.
Enjoy! I know a few of my followers like this too...
I do! Love this stuff...and I'm guessing it's healthier than butter?