mmmm mmmm, nothing like a healthier and more natural version of an American classic. Dan and I made this the other night and it was so filling and yummy. My Dad might claim McDonald's has the best burgers in the world (what???), but I would have to disagree...
When you make this, definitely get the potato wedges cooking first because the crispier the better.
For the burgers, we just bought a pound or so of ground beef and mixed it with parsley, salt, pepper, egg, bread crumbs, and a dash of garlic powder. Dan was pretty liberal with the seasoning and it was for the best. Don't be shy. Form into patties. We made 4, but only cooked 2. We froze the other two to eat sometime soon. Gotta love conserving that food dollar!
I was in charge of the fries (aka potato wedges). I cut up 2 potatoes, which was more than enough, (leave the skin, it has lots of nutrients) and put the pieces in a bowl. Next time I would suggest use one potato for every 2 people. Then I mixed it generously with olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme and rosemary. I laid them out on a tin-foil covered cookie sheet for easy cleanup and cooked them at about 400/425 degrees.
The burgers we cooked pretty quickly on the Cuisinart. Make sure you toast the buns. Food is not truly grilled unless the bread is toasted. The same is true for hotdogs.
mmm. God Bless America.
Sum and Dan, that looks delicious. You will for sure have to make that for Dad sometime. He'll never want to eat at Micky D's again.