There's nothing like coming home after a long day dealing with hormonal 11 years and cooking some good food. It's like they all disappear while Amy Winehouse sings in the background. Ms. Cannon morphs back into Summer. ahh.
Two nights ago I made some chicken parm and it came out goooood. Honestly, I'm not a huge chicken parm fan usually. I've never ordered it in a restaurant. Dan likes it a lot though so I wanted to make it for him. It came out really well though, so here goes.
Chicken breasts
bread crumbs
milk, about 1/2 cup, maybe a little more
1 egg
olive oil
Parmesan cheese
provolone cheese
some shredded parmigiano-reggiano (or regular parm)
red sauce
-Rinse the chicken breasts and put on a plate. If they are thick I would pound them flatter so they cook faster, but it's up to you.
-In one bowl stir up the egg with fork and add some milk. mix.
-In a second bowl pour some bread crumbs and mix with Parmesan cheese.
-Dip each piece of chicken into the egg and milk mixture and then into the bread crumbs. Make sure the breast is covered in bread crumbs.
-After doing this for all the chicken pieces, pour some olive oil into a skillet (so it covers the bottom) and turn on medium-high. Once the oil gets hot you are going to fry both sides of the chicken breasts. Leave on each side for about 4 minutes or until a nice brown color and be careful when flipping it because you don't want to splatter hot oil.
While doing this preheat the oven at about 350.
-In a baking dish place the chicken breasts on some tin foil. Pour on some red sauce and sprinkle some Parmesan cheese. Then place some strips of provolone cheese on top. Bake for about 25 minutes.
When we ate it I also served it with some spaghetti and yummy rye bread. Enjoy!
Provolone cheese...i've never tried that...but I now will!