Ah... pizza. I don't know anyone who does not like pizza. It's fast, it's easy, and it can be healthy if you do it right. I made some pizza tonight for me and the man... here's what I did. It took about 10 minutes prep because I'm fastidious, and less than 20 minutes cooking.
First, I went to the grocery store around 5:30 expecting to grab my regular pizza bread. The 15 year-old Polish boy who is crushing on me followed me around the store blushing and dropping things, so I sent him looking for pizza bread when I couldn't find it. They have frozen dough but I'm a woman on a mission and didn't have the time to thaw it out... so instead, after he apologized profusely for not having it, I grabbed some focaccia bread on sale. The scary lady behind the meat counter muttered it would be good. This was my first time using it.
The man made a great salad the other night so I used a lot of veggies he had left over.
-Cover a pan with tin foil (easy clean up) and put the focaccia bread on it.
-Cover the bread with some red sauce
-Pick some fresh basil from your plant and place it on the sauce (What?? you don't have a basil plant?? Get on the boat, man!)
-Layer the following items: pepperoni (or prosciutto), peppers of all colors and onion.
-On top of this you put whatever cheeses you prefer. I crumbled some feta I had and then added fresh mozzarella and even a little shredded cheddar. I sprinkled some Parmesan that I had for the texture.
-Sprinkle a smidgen of olive oil on top and shake on some oregano.
-pizza is not pizza without oregano.
-did you know that?
-cook at 425 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.
Mangia and pretend you are back in Trastevere!
Here are pre- and post-pictures. As you can see, I forgot to take a picture after until I had already eaten half - further proof of its deliciousness! Still sorry for picture quality-can only use my phone. The second picture must be fuzzy because of the Utopian haze that surrounds homemade pizza.